This site is to help you work out what is best for you.


Excessive stress, emotional & physical trauma
and environmental pollutants are significant influences on the functioning of all our essential physiological systems.

Acupuncture and yoga are traditional methods used by many to help repair and heal themselves.


Please take some time to browse the site and gather as much information you feel you need.

You can also contact me directly to ask any questions - call me on 07985 903 715


I am an acupuncturist and yoga teacher and I have been working in both disciplines for over 10 years. Over time they started to overlap and influence each other in the way I approach my work. I teach yoga classes on a regular basis across London. I also offer private sessions, in which I offer yoga and acupuncture either solely, or in combination. This is tailored to your individual needs and often evolves over time. They complement one another very well as methods for facilitating health and well-being.

Acupuncture and yoga have inspired me to explore techniques and methods of healing my own body and mind. In turn, I want to share my knowledge and experience with you, to be more connected and in tune with yourself. My approach is light-hearted but also has a serious intention of assisting you towards your goal.

I am currently studying Postural Integration with Silke Ziehl. Postural Integration training is a creative combination of deep body work, gestalt therapy techniques, acupressure and the five element system to support an individual through a process of change.


Some months after having undergone major shoulder surgery, my surgeon suggested yoga as part of my rehabilitation programme. I started my first class with some trepidation - I was still very weak on my left hand side, naturally concerned about aggravating a highly sensitive area and a complete novice to boot. However Marion was incredibly attentive and patient, modifying poses so as not to put the affected area under too much stress. Her attention to detail was second to none and the classes had a huge impact in aiding my recovery. From initially not even being able to hold plank, 2 years on I have the strength and confidence for poses including crow, forearm balance and headstand.
Charlotte D


After years of yoga I have never felt so in touch with my body and in tune with my breathing as I have during Marion's classes and in particular during her workshops. They are a full immersion into yoga which, given the longer time available, allow for an intensive work-out with a very clear focus, real depth and a wonderful flow. Whether focused on the arms or legs, on posture or balance, I have found Marion's workshops to be a most rewarding, energizing and enjoyable experience. She is an inspiring teacher.
Nicol D


I first had acupuncture from Marion after I had a miscarriage in 2008. I soon became pregnant again - she was brilliant at listening to me and responding with a big warm heart and her thoughtful needle placement. I worried that at age 40 I was unable to hold a pregnancy successfully, but I did - which I attribute to Marion’s acupuncture. At the end of my pregnancy I saw Marion again and within days my labour began. Lately I have been making appointments with Marion for stress and anxiety (kids really are demanding!) and feel such a huge relief afterwards. I tried acupuncture with different practitioners many years ago and I found it pleasant but never had the same level of effectiveness I experienced once I found Marion. She is a goddess of empathy; she is genuine and skilled. I highly recommend having a treatment with her.

Tracy S